Lavender Days 2024

Join us for a day filled with the aroma of fresh cut lavender!


Friday, July 12

Open 7:30-3:30, Free all day

Our gardens will be open to the public for free we just ask that you purchase something from our farmstore.

Intro to Aromatherapy Workshop

$75/Ticket 9-11:00

Join us for a 2 hour workshop and learn the basic principles of aromatherapy. You'll have a guided walk through the garden to get to know the plants that are used for essential oils and hydrosols.  You'll learn about the various ways to incorporate essential oils into self care practices and you will make two natural products. This workshop is 2-hours long and will be taught outside then move inside to the studio.

You will learn how to make a linen spray and aromatherapy inhaler to take home.

Saturday, July 13

7-12:00, 6-8:30, Purchase ticket

Come wander, learn, and shop for lavender. We will have tables set up all morning and evening with different types of lavender to smell, demonstrations on how we harvest and debud lavender, we’ll share our favorite books and resources, storytelling with crown making for children, lavender ice cream, and our very own handmade products will be available to purchase.


7-8:00 Sunrise Yoga

8:30-12:00 Visit educational tables and enjoy lavender ice cream

9:00 Storytelling for Littles with lavender crown or bracelet making

11:00 How to Grow Lavender Talk

6:00-8:30 Picnic, pictures, live violin music by Olivia Shaw