Fill Your Home with Flowers

Join our CSA Program and take flowers home each week


Community Support Agriculture


Buy a share of our harvest through our Flower CSA program. Choose from four seasons of flowers, that go on sale in December. Sign up for our farm newsletter to be notified when registration opens.


Join our CSA Program and receive six weeks of flowers per season reminding you that every season of life has a full bloom moment.

Fill your home with flowers and pick up a wrapped bouquet each Friday and bring them into your home to nuture your contemplative life.

Your floriculture vocabulary will expand and you’ll begin to recognize patterns in nature where you even see your own reflection.

Flowers are grown in Arvada and have a positive impact on the environment, so you can feel good about sourcing flowers responsibly.

Our flowers are bred to be fragrant and have old fashion charm so they will stimulate all your senses.

Self care comes in many forms and the invisible embrace of beauty is one of them.

Winter CSA

winter CSA

February & March

Our Winter CSA has become one of our most popular CSA’s. Winter tulips are coaxed into bloom during the coldest time of the year when you are nestled inside from the snow but ready for spring to come.

Flower Selections

Single, Double, and Parrot Tulips. Specialty Tulips and Dutch Narcissus that you won’t find at the grocery store are the star of Spring

Pick up is every Friday at our farm in Arvada.


Summer csa

summer csa

June & July

The Summer CSA starts June and will go through the July lavender season. Summer is lush with Ranunculus, Anemone, Poppies and Lavender from different cultivators

Flower Selections

Peonies, garden roses, lavender, herbs

Pick up is every Friday from our farm in Arvada.

Spring csa

spring csa

May-Early June

The Spring CSA is the first flowers to be harvest from our outside gardens where timing largely depends on Mother Nature. Bouquets are delicate and reflect the season.

Flower Selections

Tulips, daffodils, muscari, hyacinth, hellebore, and flowering branches. Bouquets are filled with many treasures from the garden.

Pick up fresh cut flowers every Friday from our farm in Arvada.


autumn CSA

fall csa

august & September

The Autumn CSA is the grand finale of summer with large bouquets of summer heat loving plants that are definitely show stoppers. Bouquets are filled with the colors of the season.

Flower Selections

Dahlias, sunflowers, lisianthus, rudbeckia, and zinnias

Pick up is every Friday at our farm in Arvada.


Common questions

Is there a risk associated with a CSA?

Community members who purchase a share of the farm understand they share the risk associated with farming. If mother nature offers wonderful weather, then the harvest will be abundant. If mother nature does not, then everyone shares a smaller harvest, or no harvest at all. Severe weather can destroy an entire field in a matter of minutes--fields that took months, if not years to cultivate, leaving farms in financial hardships. Less than 2% of people in the United States farm today, and 70-80% of the flowers in the United States are imported from South America. CSA's give small local farmers a chance by investing upfront, and volunteering seasonally when small farmers need a few extra hands.

CSA’s are offered across many different types of farms—vegetables, fruits, flowers, meats, and seafoods to name a few. Here at SHEGROWS, we are offering flowers and we look forward to getting to know the community we are growing them for.

How and when do I get my flowers?

Instead of going to the grocery store, you come directly to the farm and get them freshly cut from our field. Our farm is in Arvada near 80th and Kipling. CSA picks up are on Friday’s between 7-9 a.m. or 3:30-5:30 p.m. If you can’t make these timeframes, we can leave them on a Pick Up Table in the Orchard for later pickups.

What if I go on vacation?

If you go on vacation, we recommend you gift your weekly flowers to a friend. They are welcome to come to the farm and pick up your flowers for the week and enjoy a special gift of the season. We cannot accommodate special arrangements as we are a small farm with limited hours.

What type of flowers can I expect?

You can expect a varieties of flowers. Depending on the season, you may get tulips, narcissus, ranunculus, zinnia’s, dahlias, cosmos, dusty miller, snapdragons, basil, laceflower, amaranth, or sunflowers. Many of them are unique, uncommon, and old fashioned varieties. Our lavender includes Irene Doyle, Betty’s Blue, Buena Vista, Folgate, Melissa, Royal Purple, Miss Katherine, and Miette.

How many flowers will be in each bundle?

Straight bunches typically have 10 stems, depending on the variety of flowers in bloom (like tulips for example). Lavender bundles are measured by weight but are typically 3” in diameter. And market bouquets are a mix of flowers but are equivalent in size to what you would normally seen sold as a Large Bouquet at the grocery store.

When will they start?

We will send an email to all CSA members notifying them when flowers are blooming and when CSA pick-ups will begin.