For advanced gardeners looking to start a business. Not only will you revisit all the important concepts of growing healthy gardens, you will also learn the framework for starting any type of garden business. You will get hands on experience in our gardens throughout the season, once a month on the second Wednesday, to build your confidence and refine any concepts you are unsure of. Then in October, November and December you’ll dive into business basics including but not limited to administration, marketing and sales, copywriting, and consulting. You’ll end the year with a Business Capstone Workshop.


Students Say it Best

Seeing the vulnerability that Gina brings to this, on what works and what doesn’t work, is such a gift for anyone who is interested in doing anything like this.
— Erin Sitton 2024
SHEGROWS has always been my happy place. Here we do things in repetition and in mass with a lot of plants, and a lot of space, which has helped me apply it to my own little yard and now I grow the most beautiful flowers.
— Patrina Odette 2024
Coming to the garden and meeting all these spectacular women who have different ideas, different personality, different ages, and who were all so welcoming, and loving, helped me accept who I am and love myself again.
— Sarah Johnston 2024
The fact that we came to the garden for an entire season has been really impactful for me because I’ve learned to see each season in a new way.
— Kelly Magel 2024
Coming to the garden has been so transformational for me, finding community, and finding hope during a really tough year of my life.
— Sarah Small 2024
This apprenticeship changed my life! If you have any interest in floral design, getting your hands in the dirt, and working with amazing women, then this is the opportunity for you!
— Betsy Mebane 2023
Carve out the time it goes faster than you think but seems like a big commitment at first. File this under soul searching and just do it!
— Myra Dean 2023
Gina has created a beautiful culture in which everyone is welcomed with authenticity and purpose. She provides insights and knowledge into the growing seasons that can be applied to your own gardens, while acknowledging both challenges and celebrations, and the gift that it all brings.
— Tiffany Merrit 2023
Learning from the beginning of the season to prep, plant, care for, harvest and finally design using such amazing flowers. I appreciate the beauty of flowers so much as they are but the art of design really was a gift for me this year. This is definitely a skill I would like to work on in the future. The ability to have such a hands on experience with all parts of the growing, harvesting, and designing with people that enjoy so many of the same things I do made the season go by so quickly.
— Tricia Nauce 2023
Exposure to all aspects of the farm and the business + meeting like-minded people.
— Liz Tobiason 2023
This was an experience that had many valuable moments, the process from start to finish is a lesson I’ll cherish. It provided all the knowledge for growing flowers, from harvesting to design and even included the process of marketing and selling. I really felt all this info to be useful and inspiring. I overall enjoyed the connection of working with a smaller team and really having that hands on-learning experience. It was sincere, extremely loaded with info and I feel like It brought me closer to nature.
— Jenni Sanchez 2022
I loved experiencing the growing season from start to finish. The joy, love and excitement from everyone at SheGrows was contagious - it was a beautiful thing to be a part of a team who truly love flowers, the earth and the work it takes to grow and care for them. I LOVED making plant dyes over the fire and creating different color combos! I also appreciated having my hands in each part of the growing cycle and learning all the “unseen” pieces in the background of running a flower farm (compost, weeding ideas, working in clay soil, etc. ) There was also a nice balance of community/social time alongside the work. Wreath making days, potlucks, partnering to create a palette for arrangements, morning walks through the fields, bonfire... all good for my soul!
— Susanna Moening 2022
Abundance felt like the overarching theme of the Apprenticeship Program. Gina’s humanity, generosity, and in-depth knowledge that she’s so willing to share. The program was immersive, provided consistency, and gave space for each individual’s journey. I tell others that this growing season was very much a form of therapy for me, and I learned so much along the way.
— Caitlin Hawksley 2022
There are so many strength about the apprentice program. Gina is extremely knowledgeable and so is her staff. Any questions that we had to answer them with knowledge and kindness. I absolutely loved all the hands-on that we did even all of the weeding. Another strength I would love to comment on is a fact on how well we all got along. It was amazing to get up and go join my fellow apprentices knowing that I will have amazing day with them. This is a very empowering environment to be around.
— Nicole McCrorie 2022
I feel like we received a full 360 degree view into the farm and covered all aspects of the growing season. Gina did such great job teaching us about all the avenues of the farm from operations, to sales and marketing, to business management and accounting. We got outstanding hands on experience and because we were able to be apart of the whole growing season I feel like we received enough repitition to become proficient in every subject.
— Sara Pappas, 2021 Apprentice
Going to SHEGROWS every week made my heart so happy and definitely filled my bucket- no matter what we were doing/learning.
— Karissa Kamidoi, 2021
I came into this apprenticeship with the intention of getting an in-depth snapshot of what it means to be on a working urban farm. Whether that was actual field work, harvesting, design, planning, business financials, or marketing; it all contributed to the identity of SHEGROWS. It made me appreciative of all the intricacies of not only the day to day, but the whole picture. You carefully managed all our time with both hands-on experiences and course material.
— Alex Montoya 2020